Famous Rosa’s Patty Bread

Famous Rosa's Pattybread | World's Best Cornbread - Slider 2

A Veggie Should Never Be Eaten Alone!

Cornbread has always been a mainstay in the Moses-Ragsdale family because you cannot have vegetables – collards, mustards, turnips, kale,  blackeyed peas, squash, pintos – without sopping up the juice!

Created with love, our famous Rosa’s Pattybread is dedicated to Mrs. Marie Allen and  Mrs. Rosa B. Cotton — aka Mama Wey-Wey — who taught me how to make pattybread from scratch at the age of six standing on a small stool at the stove in her apartment at 1211 Simpson Road in Atlanta, Georgia. This recipe is over 100 years old, passed down generation-to-generation. I am proud to bring it to you and your family!

— Cheryle Renee Moses, Owner
World’s Best Cornbread and Famous Rosa’s Pattybread


Order Famous Rosa’s Pattybread Today! $12/Dozen

Selections :


Rosa’s Hot Water Pattybread $11/Dozen

Our Hot Water Pattybread does not have buttermilk or eggs. Order today!